
Secret of Mana 2 (SNES)

Secret of Mana 2 is one of the finest action RPGs in 16-bit history. It's sad that Super Nintendo owners back in 1995 didn't get to experience this gem.

Secret of Mana

Secret of Mana, originally released in Japan as Seiken Densetsu 2, is a 1993 action role-playing game developed and published by Square for the Super ...

Trials of Mana

Set in a high fantasy world, the game follows three heroes as they attempt to claim the legendary Mana Sword and prevent the Benevodons from being unleashed.

聖劍傳說2 SECRET of MANA

供應中 評分 3.0 (2,200) 圍繞瑪娜與聖劍展開的各種冒險故事,夥伴們的相遇與離別。 本作維持了在1993年發售的初版的經典氛圍,重制了全篇的視覺效果!貼合當今最新的硬件配置,優化了角色模型, ...

在Steam 購買聖劍傳說2 SECRET of MANA 即可省下60%

供應中 評分 3.0 (2,199) 《聖劍傳說2 Secret of Mana》保持了在1993年發售的初版的經典氛圍,重製了全篇的視覺效果!貼合當今最新的硬件配置,優化了角色模型,遊戲系統,操作界面。追加全樂曲的改編, ...

Secret of Mana II : Video Games

評分 4.0 (7) This cartridge has a chip save function!! and don't need any additional battery with energy for keeping your game record!! That means you no need worry about ...

Secret of Mana 2

Secret of Mana 2 (Seiken Densetsu 3) plays very much like its predecessor Secret of Mana, as it employs a real-time combat system, making use of a ring menu ...

rJRPG on Reddit

This game is so, so good. They took everything great about Secret of Mana and fixed its flaws - better hit detection, no holding a button to ...

AMAZING: Secret of Mana 2 (Seiken Densetsu 3) : rJRPG

Wow, I just started SD3 (the sequel to Secret of Mana), and it is so amazing. I'm only a couple of hours into it, but... just wow.

Secret of Mana 2 (Trials of Mana)

My review of Secret of Mana 2 for the SNES. New to the channel? Subscribe here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=xytrasx ...


SecretofMana2isoneofthefinestactionRPGsin16-bithistory.It'ssadthatSuperNintendoownersbackin1995didn'tgettoexperiencethisgem.,SecretofMana,originallyreleasedinJapanasSeikenDensetsu2,isa1993actionrole-playinggamedevelopedandpublishedbySquarefortheSuper ...,Setinahighfantasyworld,thegamefollowsthreeheroesastheyattempttoclaimthelegendaryManaSwordandpreventtheBenevodonsfrombeingunleashed.,供應中評...